Payment And Withdrawal...


Wanton damage to school property will be charged to the parent. To compensate for the heavy irresponsible damage by students throughout th year, "Repairs and Renewals" charges will be levied.


1. Remittances must be addressed as per mentioned in the bill.

2. The annual billing of fees for days scholars is done twice a year.

First Term March to September Bill payable on or before 31st May
Second Term October to March Bill payable on or before 31st October

3. Bills for extras emergency will continue to be sent out separately and are payable with in one month from the date of issue of the bill. The Bills are available through Bishops online or TBS App under Menu Payment info-->View Bill

4. School/Hostel fees can be paid through online by Credit/Debit cards, Netbanking, EMI, UPI.

5. No fee concession will be made for broken periods in School. The whole year's fees must be paid.

5. A fine of  Rs.5/-  per day will be imposed for fees not being paid before the due date as per the bill.

6. If a student is struck off rolls he/she will lose his/her place in school. A re-admission fee in addition to arrears will have to be paid if he/she is to be considered for re-admission.

7. If a student is struck off the Rolls(s)he will lose his /her place in the school. Re-admission fees, in addition to arrears due, will have to be paid.

8. No student will be permitted to begin a new term unless all arrears due on his/her account have been cleared before the commencement of the term.

9. Students will not be permitted to appear for examinations unless all dues are cleared. Parents must accept this rule and no 'arguments' will be entertained from defaulter parents. You should not be the reason for your child being penalized.

10. Reports, Mark Sheets and Transfer Certificates will not be issued until all dues are cleared.

11. Boarders Bills will have to paid through Bishop's online/TBS App online or by Demand Draft.

12. Arrangements for the supply of Books/stationery for boarders' will be made by the school and the same will be billed to the parents.

13. Two clear calendar months’ notice in writing must be given when a child is withdrawn from school. If two months’ notice is not given, then a term’s fee following that in which the child is withdrawn will be charged.Notice to be given for withdrawl on or before 30th September and before 31st March during the Academic Year.

14. A Boarder will need to give one term's notice of withdrawal from the hostel, or one years boarding fees.

15. A child admitted to the school in the boarding section are given admission on the express undertaking thay they will continue as a boarder to minimum period of three years if such a boarder having obtained admission to school in a boarding vacancy, leaves the hostel prior to the completion of the stipulated three years, his name will be automatically struck off the school and will be charged fees etc.. in lieu of notice as per the fee rules.

16. A Boarder when withdrawn from the boarding does not automatically continue in the school as a dayscholar. On his withdrawal from hostel he has to give up his seat as a Boarder and seek fresh admission as a dayscholar. He will then be placed on the waiting list(for a dayscholar vacancy) and considered along with others when a vacancy occurs.

17. If a student is absent for ten consecutive days without informing the school,it will be assumed that he/she will not be returning and his/her name will be struck off the rolls and his/her vacancy will be given to the next child on the waiting list.

18. After long vacations, if the student does not rejoin school within ten working days of the opening of the term, it will be assumed that he/she is not returning and his / her name will be struck off the Rolls. If, therefore, your child has to stay away, please make sure that the school has been informed in advance and sanction obtained. If sanction is not given, which normally is the case, then the rule “Time for late return after long holidays will be enforced”.


Pass Certificates will be awarded to candidates who attain the pass standard in at least five subjects which must include the subject English and a minimum of 25% marks in the 6th subject.

Language Pattern

The Bishop's School is an English Medium School. We follow three language pattern,which is imposed by the Government throughout India. The medium of instruction is English, Hindi being a compulsory 2nd language.

The School is equipped with large buildings consisting of 75 well-ventilated Classrooms, 3 Science laboratories, 2 Assembly Halls, 2 Libraries and a Dining Room which seats about 250 children.

Contact Us

The Bishop's School, Camp
5-A, General Bhagat Marg, Camp, Pune,
Maharashtra, India-411 001
Phone: +91-20-26360437
Fax: +91-20-26334590

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