Leave Of Absence...

Upcoming Events...

1. Parents are requested to see that their sons/daughters are regular and punctual in attendance at school.

2. In the event of absence for a day or two, parents are required to apply for leave explaining the reason for the absence which is available on TBS App/Bishops online under the menu Attendance-->Apply Leave.

3.If the duration of absence is to be more than two days in case of sickness, a medical certificate should be uploaded while filling online leave form. The option of uploading a Medical certificate will be available even after applying through the View Applied leave menu.

4. Attending weddings and other functions out of station during School time breaks into routine, and School discipline. Parents are most earnestly asked not to take their son/daughter with them to attend these functions.

5. Students returning to School late may have their names struck off the School rolls if the School management has not  been informed in time.


Students are prepared for examinations conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi. The Council is recognized by both houses of Parliament and has the assent of the President Of India.

History of The Bishop's School

The Bishop's School may be said to have as its date of foundation the 19th April'1864 . On this day the Quarter Master General of the Bombay Army, writing to the Secretary Govt. Military Department.

The School is equipped with large buildings consisting of 75 well-ventilated Classrooms, 3 Science laboratories, 2 Assembly Halls, 2 Libraries and a Dining Room which seats about 250 children.

Contact Us

The Bishop's School, Camp
5-A, General Bhagat Marg, Camp, Pune,
Maharashtra, India-411 001
Phone: +91-20-26360437
Fax: +91-20-26334590

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