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The Bishop's School,Camp
The Bishop's C-Ed School, Kalyani Nagar
The Bishop's Co-Ed School, Undri

1.a) Passing in English is mandatory for promotion.
   b) Please note that 75% attendance is mandatory for consideration of promotion.
   C) Promotion will be on the Overall marks attained during the academic year.

2. Report cards will not be presented or displayed online till all fees are paid in full.

3. Promotions are indicated in the Final report in March and successful students are promoted to their new classes in March each year.

4. On Report card Distribution Day, if Parents are unavailable, they may send a representative with a letter authorizing them to collect the Report Card.

The School is equipped with large buildings consisting of 75 well-ventilated Classrooms, 3 Science laboratories, 2 Assembly Halls, 2 Libraries and a Dining Room which seats about 250 children.

Contact Us

The Bishop's School, Camp
5-A, General Bhagat Marg, Camp, Pune,
Maharashtra, India-411 001
Phone: +91-20-26360437
Fax: +91-20-26334590

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