At School Assembly...Camp, Kalyani nagar & Undri

Upcoming Events...
Almighty God, whose blessed
Son did grow in wisdom and
stature; grant grace to the
members of this school to be
in work, play and prayer, that
teachers and taught, learning
from each other, may daily
become more fit for thy service,
and the service of their fellows,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
- Amen.
(By The Right Rev. W.Q.Lash, Bishop of Bombay, 1947-61)

“Teach us good Lord, to serve Thee:
As thou deservest ;
To give and not to count the cost ;
To fight and not to heed the wounds ;
To toil and not to seek for rest ;
To labour and not to ask for any
reward, save that of knowing that
we do Thy will; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.”
               - Amen.

Choice Of Subjects.

All candidates for the examination must enter and sit for six subjects namely - English, a Second Language, Civics, History and Geography and three of the subjects listed above under Group II & Group III and must have been examined by the school in practical/project work in English, the Second Language, Civics, History and Geography, the three subjects of their choice and in Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service.

The School is equipped with large buildings consisting of 75 well-ventilated Classrooms, 3 Science laboratories, 2 Assembly Halls, 2 Libraries and a Dining Room which seats about 250 children.

Contact Us

The Bishop's School, Camp
5-A, General Bhagat Marg, Camp, Pune,
Maharashtra, India-411 001
Phone: +91-20-26360437
Fax: +91-20-26334590

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